shaking rn. after months of begging and pleading and tagging in tweets to do a lifeless collab, kohls has picked my logo for their new VAPE, CBD, and Kratom NFT marketplace that focuses on true web3 values. shutting rn.

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A lil post to celebrate my first day at Kohls! ✨ Super excited to work here and so thankful to work alongside so many talented artists 💖🌸🍓

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Also Google deez nutz joe momma at 3 am or else this will appear sucking your cock in the bathroom at Kohls

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the only stable currency in the world is Kohls cash.

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this is what bloodborne is for. its for the kohls jeans

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is it too late to talk about OCs ? Because sometimes talking about OCs is nice

ANWAYS, here's my only 2 consist OCs, Endrich and Shosa (plus his pure-blooded counterpart, Kohlsen)!

i simply Love All Of Them :)

(1st edit by @/tapiocachocobo, and pics 2, 3, and 4 by @/DreamOuji)

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The Felix Kohls store I posted a preliminary drawing of in color! 🎨❤️

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Me: *Looking at on sale ornaments at kohls online*
Them: Pickup only

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Det GÅR inte att se ett tyskt smörfat utan att tänka på Göran Perssons recension av Helmut Kohls uppförande under EU-toppmötet 1998: ”Han äter kopiöst med smör”.

Detta smörfat är från buffén på CDU:s partikongress i Leipzig.

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for those who like this but cant afford it, kohls has a similar one for $27

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