Happy birthday, Konata! 🎂
I'm still very proud of this drawing I did of her (tho I wanna make more drawings of her) ❤️

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"You're out of touch!
I'm out of time...
But i'm out of my head when you're not around."

(arte do divino 11h, não minha)

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of with pink hair. A just-cause present for my friend CJ ^_^
Might do a bg later but too lazy now so I pasted her on jpg i found on google 😁

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Recordando animes clásicos, asi que quise dibujar a Konata, uno de los personajes mas icónicos de esos tiempos (2007) ¿qué otros personajes recuerda?

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Finished Lucky Star for the first time. Their little dance in the OP is so mesmerizing. KyoAni strikes again! 🌠

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Versión en español
Konata era mi "waifu" cuando era un niño, ahora que van a sacar un spin off con una Konata de 31 años, decidi volverla a dibujar tras casi 14 años.

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When I was a Kid, i had a crush with Konata from Lucky Star, recently i discover that a new spin off is coming with a 31 years old Konata, so i decided to draw her again after 13 years and make a joke with it

Ñ en el siguiente post

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"And the TV show ended by saying how young people are becoming increasingly illiterate, but doesn't browsing the Internet and blogging actually improve your literacy?" - Konata Izumi, Lucky Star

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