commission 오픈합니다😇. 이제는 내년까지 쉬지않고 달릴 생각입니다. 감사합니다😊!(Only Koreans, I'm sorry for the communication problem) 😭😭

45 443

일단 올리는 커미션 공지.
적당한 신청 부탁 드립니다.
I don't have an overseas account, so only Koreans can receive it. I'm sorry.

4 17

Yeah I know everyone and their moms did Juri Han from but it felt to put the Koreans together.

12 65

For the past 4 days, (idk why) I’ve seen there’s a little trend among Koreans to photoshop the NewJeans bunny with sport teams

(Maybe it’s just me but that’s what I’ve noticed as of recently)

235 1341


Tripedal crows are present in Chinese and Korean mythology as well, known as Sanzuwu to Chinese and Samjok-o to Koreans.-
The Yatagarasu is honored by the Japan Football Association in both logo and in its rewards to the winners of the Emperor's Cup.

15 46

They are saying this because they think he is Korean expression of Jesus💀 One little pink once gave me the second pic and said "Koreans claim Jesus is from Korea!"

(Both of which are sanctification painting of Priest Kim Taegon😂)

9 30

There needs to be a study on why koreans love dawn so much

6 41

다음 궁녀 작업중.
벌써 11월 말 ㅜㅜ
I'm drawing the next court lady.
It's already the end of November.

4 20

Americans are crying, Italians are crying, Australians are crying, North Koreans are crying.

all the countries of this world have been affected by these sick punters

even if they made you cry, you !Kent stop fighting for decentralization

you !Kent stop now

!Kent 💕🫂

0 5

Digital Painting. 2022
아무리 배가 불러도 달달함은 못 참지.
I can't stand sweetness no matter how full I am.

30 82

Factory Direct Korean-Style Elegant Crystal All-match Brooch Gift Fashion Alloy Accessory Women's Corsage


1 1

keyrings are available now! 💕
to order with
please DM :)
We ship worldwide ✈️

There is only two options here 😂
a set of 9 keyrings or one of random !

2 7

I decided to re-read the first couple of chapters of Kill the Lights... When I saw Hayley in this frame I immediately saw a cat, a wet cat, a wet crying cat.
And I drew it...
And it came out crooked
(I'm a little shy of Koreans on Twitter😭)

4 10


Tripedal crows are present in Chinese and Korean mythology as well, known as Sanzuwu to Chinese and Samjok-o to Koreans.-
The Yatagarasu is honored by the Japan Football Association in both logo and in its rewards to the winners of the Emperor's Cup.

7 18