I'll go again with Korikakumon/Blizzarmon, again this guy is underrated and I want to see a Daddy version of him! xP

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Hmmmm this one feels too obvious but I gotta.

Rookie - Bearmon
Champion - Grizzmon
Ultimate - Korikakumon
Mega - Callismon

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I don't see pics of Blizzardmon/KoriKakumon, he's really an underrated Digimon with a potential to be a Digihusband.

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Drop your 4 favorite Digimon designs. Korikakumon is legit my favorite https://t.co/Ga9XAluqWz

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Diane: Execute, beast spirit evolution!

(Spirit evolution sequence)
Gomamon: Gomamon beast spirit digivolve to...
(the beast spirit of ice goes onto Gomamon causing him to digivolve to Korikakumon)
Gomamon: (after digivolving) Korikakumon!

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Samudramon con 2 Ixabas o Korikakumon porque es el digimon más gorila que conozco (Más que gorillamon, si)

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Plesiomon makes more sense for Gomamon’s final form anyway, and Vikemon actually looks like a combo of Kumamon and Korikakumon.

This is canon in my head.

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Blizzarmon name came from blizzard.

His dub name, Korikakumon came from 氷, Koori, that means Ice.

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