Aqui estão as full artes que eu fiz pra minha fanfic (Abre a thread e vê o link)

Vô postar a terceira separado pq é recente e eu to mto orgulhosa 💞


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11 27


🌸First day of i'm still not sure if i'm going to follow the original prompts neither the days, so i'm not gonna post the list but enjoy the thread!🌸

Day 1. Shibari


13 44

Part 3 of challenge ❤


's pretty style made me look handsome 🥺

0 6

Hey Hey Hey, The Wisdom of the Ace : Firstly, the figure of the ace is one that inspires his allies. Secondly, he should shatter any wall. Thirdly, he should hit any ball to his utmost ability.

2 7