I made a little doodle for a chum. He requested I put my name on it. He said he's going to put this on card covers so hopefully they turn out alright. Krenko Mob-Boss from MTG but a pirate. Krenko, Captain of the Mob as it were :y

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Jokes aside from genshin (which i constantly do, and you might not know, i do play it a lot as well), I am Krenko, i have been in way too many games in my life min-maxing them at the best of my capabilities, and yeah if you are coming from Genshin...

Hi, I'm Krenko, glad to help

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Oi! Quindi le bande si stanno unendo. Stiamo prendendo il controllo di See?Prenderò tutta la mana e i cannoli e rilavocherò questo mondo in carreggiata.Indossa una maschera, manica il tuo mazzo e unisciti a Krenko e alla sua folla. https://t.co/o1ZgiLoAdD

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¡Oi! Así que las pandillas se están reuniendo. ¿Nos haremos cargo de ver?va a agarrar todo el maná y los cannoli y poner este mundo de nuevo en marcha.Usa una máscara, cubre tu mazo y únete a Krenko y su mafia.https://t.co/o1ZgiLoAdD

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the series of silly goblin alters continues with this alt art of krenko, mob boss.

(this is by the way every bit as much a *loving* goof as streamer, goth, gamer, podacast, and gym goblin were)

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Oh, yes! Since they finally met him, I can post this painting I did for my DnD one(two(three))shot!
Krenko, a notorious goblin gang leader!

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Relic Tokens Legendary Collection, available from your FLGS includes: Ezuri, Renegade Leader / Krenko, Mob Boss / Kaalia of the Vast https://t.co/4xeLycHXux

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