I did another collab with some wonderful artists! I enjoyed working with them and would recommend checking them out!
Sketch: Myself
Color and Shading:

Also thanks to and for organizing us again!

29 143

Big Ol' Christmas Collab!!

Sketch by Me

Line Art by

Flat Colors by

Shading by

Thank you all for putting up with my bs and thank you to and for getting this whole thing started!!

29 116

A fun Krusie collab did with others!
Sketch: me
Line art:
Base color:
It was really fun, Thank you for and for hosting the event
other artworks are in the tag go check em out

21 108

I did a collab with some artist friends of mine, and ! I did the sketch, PowerJam did the lines, Komu did the flat color, and Dule did the shading! Also, thanks to and for getting us all together!

23 99

wow, it's a
sketch by me, lineart by , colours by , shading by u/I_hate_the_Irish.
cool stuff.

9 37

So... Me and my Friemnds( *u/IHateTheIrish* ) did a collab.
The order was Sketch>Line>Flat color>Shadows.(Me>Serial>Aurora_IHateTheIrish>T_rashman)
Also, wanted to thank and for organizing this shiet)

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