Another writers I feel truly understands is Geoff Johns, who's also written some of the best Superman stories to date. Like Last son of Krypton, Brainiac & Secret Origin

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Greetings, humans. No one read Superman comics on Krypton, and look what happened.

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Supergirl: Mulher do Amanhã

“Veremos a diferença entre Superman, que foi enviado à Terra e criado por pais amorosos desde que era criança, versus Supergirl, criada em uma rocha, um pedaço de Krypton, e que viu todos ao seu redor morrerem e serem mortos de maneiras terríveis."

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Read Superman : Last Son of Earth, if you haven't. Baby Clark Kent is set from a dying Earth to Krypton, where his silly human body can't do shit. It's a fun 'what if' story.

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Now to Val-Zod, the Superman of Earth-2! One of the few Kryptonians who escaped Krypton, after the death of his earth’s Kal-El, Val-Zod had to face his fears and come out of hiding and step up to the mantle. He is a pacifist, and also has social anxiety.

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Lembrei do trecho de Endless Nights em que a Desespero original está falando com o sol de krypton, e basicamente dá o plano da explosão do planeta e da origem do superman, e olha... esse tiro saiu pela culatra né? Queria a personificação da tragédia ganhou um símbolo de esperança

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The whole project was my “love / hate letter” towards all things sci-fi and science fantasy. It was a mix of Buck Rogers, Star Trek, Star Wars, Alien, Borderlands, Fallout, Rick & Morty, Superman‘s world of Krypton, and whatever else I liked (and also had problems with lol).

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While may be the last son of Krypton, his father Jor-El knows that is the one who truly represents the enduring legacy of the doomed planet.

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Today in History, the doomed home planet of first appears in Superman (May 18, 1939)

Golden Age Omni Vol 1->

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Greetings, humans. No one read Superman comics on Krypton, and look what happened.

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"Veja, o que não é bem compreendido sobre a filha de Krypton, é que seu poder não é de ação, mas de moderação, resistência e paixão.

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Robert Venditti y Michael Avon Oeming preparan World Of Krypton, serie limitada de seis números que debuta en diciembre.

Se presenta como una narrativa contemporánea del planeta. Destacan su acción, sus maravillas cósmicas e intriga política.

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Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, this amazing stranger from the planet Krypton, the Man of Steel: SUPERMAN!

Colors on

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There will be heroes and antagonists. You will build on this.

After leaving Krypton, Crypto is now the planet where Buliman super trades. Gravity is defied all-time at high and low trades.

His only concern...FUD that the Con Bull may have planted in his mind. Who will win? 🦾

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Zack Snyder consiguió plasmar ese planeta a la VANGUARDIA de TECNOLOGÍA y CIENCIA de una forma inmejorable.

Destacar las criaturas, el ARMAMENTO MILITAR, las diferentes estancias y las PORTENTOSAS ARMADURAS y ROPAJES.

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Descrição completa do personagem:

"Jor-El é o pai Kryptoniano de Clark Kent. Apesar de ter morrido junto com Krypton, sua brilhante essência ainda existe na Fortaleza da Solidão para fornecer orientação quando seu filho precisa de ajuda."

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With the third pick of Round 2 of the the White delegation has drafted Kal- El of Krypton, AKA Clark Kent of Earth, AKA Superman!

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