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Another writers I feel truly understands #Superman is Geoff Johns, who's also written some of the best Superman stories to date. Like Last son of Krypton, Brainiac & Secret Origin
Greetings, humans. No one read Superman comics on Krypton, and look what happened.
Supergirl: Mulher do Amanhã
“Veremos a diferença entre Superman, que foi enviado à Terra e criado por pais amorosos desde que era criança, versus Supergirl, criada em uma rocha, um pedaço de Krypton, e que viu todos ao seu redor morrerem e serem mortos de maneiras terríveis."
Read Superman : Last Son of Earth, if you haven't. Baby Clark Kent is set from a dying Earth to Krypton, where his silly human body can't do shit. It's a fun 'what if' story.
The Last Son of Krypton, by the amazing Alex Ross!
#artistspotlightalexross @thealexrossart #Superman #dcuniverse #dccomics #comics #ComicArt
Now to Val-Zod, the Superman of Earth-2! One of the few Kryptonians who escaped Krypton, after the death of his earth’s Kal-El, Val-Zod had to face his fears and come out of hiding and step up to the mantle. He is a pacifist, and also has social anxiety.
Lembrei do trecho de Endless Nights em que a Desespero original está falando com o sol de krypton, e basicamente dá o plano da explosão do planeta e da origem do superman, e olha... esse tiro saiu pela culatra né? Queria a personificação da tragédia ganhou um símbolo de esperança
The whole project was my “love / hate letter” towards all things sci-fi and science fantasy. It was a mix of Buck Rogers, Star Trek, Star Wars, Alien, Borderlands, Fallout, Rick & Morty, Superman‘s world of Krypton, and whatever else I liked (and also had problems with lol).
While #Superman may be the last son of Krypton, his father Jor-El knows that #Supergirl is the one who truly represents the enduring legacy of the doomed planet.
Today in #DCComics History, #Krypton, the doomed home planet of #Superman, first appears in Superman #1 (May 18, 1939)
Golden Age Omni Vol 1-> https://t.co/eOMc2y295K
Greetings, humans. No one read Superman comics on Krypton, and look what happened.
Bromine, Krypton, Rubidium, Strontium.
#元素擬人化 #periodictable #personification #nonhumans #oc #originalcharacter #originalcharacters #bromine #krypton #rubidium #strontium
"Veja, o que não é bem compreendido sobre a filha de Krypton, é que seu poder não é de ação, mas de moderação, resistência e paixão.
Robert Venditti y Michael Avon Oeming preparan World Of Krypton, serie limitada de seis números que debuta en diciembre.
Se presenta como una narrativa contemporánea del planeta. Destacan su acción, sus maravillas cósmicas e intriga política.
Passport stamps include Star Planet, Krypton, Oa, Mogo...
#comics #webcomic #starro #TheSuicideSquad #jamesgunn
Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, this amazing stranger from the planet Krypton, the Man of Steel: SUPERMAN!
Colors on @RamonVillalobos
There will be heroes and antagonists. You will build on this.
After leaving Krypton, Crypto is now the planet where Buliman super trades. Gravity is defied all-time at high and low trades.
His only concern...FUD that the Con Bull may have planted in his mind. Who will win? 🦾
Zack Snyder consiguió plasmar ese planeta a la VANGUARDIA de TECNOLOGÍA y CIENCIA de una forma inmejorable.
Destacar las criaturas, el ARMAMENTO MILITAR, las diferentes estancias y las PORTENTOSAS ARMADURAS y ROPAJES.
#Superman #ZackSnyder
Descrição completa do personagem:
"Jor-El é o pai Kryptoniano de Clark Kent. Apesar de ter morrido junto com Krypton, sua brilhante essência ainda existe na Fortaleza da Solidão para fornecer orientação quando seu filho precisa de ajuda."
With the third pick of Round 2 of the #RacialDraft, the White delegation has drafted Kal- El of Krypton, AKA Clark Kent of Earth, AKA Superman!