Day 7: Royal AU | Kuroosuga

Suga, the heir of the throne, finds interest in a simple worker boy who starts working for him and isn’t always as obedient as he should be

9 52

"...what you said about kissing me the other day. It got me thinking. what if we—...
what if we started a little friends with benefits thing?"

↳ more 🔥 in story written by

(#oikuroo for day 7: friends with benefits)

45 120

Day 6: Didn't know they were dating | Bokuroyachi

I didn't really know what to do with this prompt but i like the outcome. The last picture is the train ride after the dinner, their mission was successful!

14 93

Day 5: Coffee shop | Kurotsuki

This is my first time drawing tsukki but i think it looks pretty decent

28 127

Day 5: Coffee shop AU (but it's not an AU, it's just them getting iced coffee 💀) | Kurotsuki

Yes, this was Kuroo's idea and yes, Tsukki is embarrassed af 💖

18 63

study with lights off to cut ⚡ costs. do not do this at home! glasses are inconvenient, even if kuroo thinks oikawa looks good in them. 👀

↳ ft. story written by 🥺📝

(#oikuro for day 4: college AU + roommates)

68 179

late but—

"Post Time skip" | Kuroo Tetsurou is occasionally drowned by his mountain of paperwork, but luckily Miya Atsumu is there to save him.

30 61

Day 1: domestic. Sharing the bed with someone you love could be so peaceful. Atsumu likes to take photos of a sleeping Kuroo because he adores his face too much. (reposting an old art bc i'm so slow ;;;)

13 42

Day 2: Post Time Skip | Kurooyaku

Please appreciate Kuroo's cat patterned pants, they took way too long to draw

20 59

kuroo, college student, bad breakup victim. oikawa, college student (2), bad breakup victim (2), just moved in with kuroo ~only~ to cut off rent costs... 🏠

↳ more on the story by 🥺✨

(#oikuro college AU for day 1: domestic)

71 177

Day 1: Domestic + "I call it magic when I'm with you" | Kurotsuki

Because waking up to kiss the person you love is the most magical thing of all 💖

12 45

Day 1: Magic AU | Bokuroo

Bokuroo from my magic AU i'm still working on. I'm excited for this week and seeing Kuroo getting showered with all the love he deserves!

22 62