Captain Bedlam saved the Universe - at the cost of destroying his home of Gorilla Galaxy"
GorillaGalaxy Into the Chaos Zone! ISSUE 3 of POINTMAN COMICS
art Pedro Moreo Colors Raven Monroe

5 1

Captain Bedlam saved the Universe - at the cost of destroying his home of Gorilla Galaxy"
GorillaGalaxy Into the Chaos Zone! ISSUE 3 of POINTMAN COMICS
art Pedro Moreo Colors Raven Monroe

4 2

Captain Bedlam saved the Universe - at the cost of destroying his home of Gorilla Galaxy"
GorillaGalaxy Into the Chaos Zone! ISSUE 3 of POINTMAN COMICS
art Pedro Moreo Colors Raven Monroe

4 1

Into the Chaos Zone! ISSUE 3 POINTMAN COMICS coming to Indyplanet

Raygun rights

8 3

Into the Chaos Zone! ISSUE 3 POINTMAN COMICS coming to Indyplanet - Print on Demand NOT
-Not a Crowdfund-

10 3

Into the Chaos Zone! ISSUE 3 POINTMAN COMICS
-Not a Crowdfund-

19 15

Into the Chaos Zone! ISSUE 3 POINTMAN COMICS coming to Indyplanet - Print on Demand NOT
-Not a Crowdfund-
(waiting to go live on Indyplanet - meaning available for purchase)

18 15

Into the Chaos Zone! ISSUE 3 POINTMAN COMICS coming to Indyplanet - Print on Demand NOT
-Not a Crowdfund-
(waiting to go live on Indyplanet - meaning available for purchase)

15 8

like like what you see? share around!
(waiting to go live on Indyplanet - meaning available for purchase)
Into the Chaos Zone! ISSUE 3 POINTMAN COMICS Indyplanet Print on Demand

-Not a Crowdfund-

12 3

Into the Chaos Zone! ISSUE 3 of POINTMAN COMICS Indyplanet Print on Demand 48pages

-Not a Crowdfund-

6 4

Not a or crowdfund comic that's coming to - Print on Demand comics that you order !

upcoming project that's almost finished!
Into the Chaos Zone! - a 48 page epic scfi adventure!

7 7

Not a or crowdfund comic that's coming to - Print on Demand comics that you order !

upcoming project that's almost finished!
Into the Chaos Zone! - a 48 page epic scfi adventure!

6 5

$4.99 for PRINT and $2.99 for Digital
Issue 1 with and

Issue 2 with and

4 4