Scored two NFTs and hoping to pick up a few more very soon!!! Congrats to my pal and the team. ❤️❤️❤️ Look forward to getting to know the community and see where this one goes!

9 28

Gm to all the weekend warriors grinding away on a Saturday morning! LFGrow!!! Have an awesome day! 🍀💚🔥💪

1 45

Swept these 3 beautiful NFT’s today. They are giving away a 1/1 to someone who sweeps the floor. Each sweep is an entry!!!! LFGrow!!!!!

2 6

So in celebration of getting my inspired tattoo in 3 days I'm gonna throw a giveaway.

5k $Greens + 1 Junkie

✅ Follow
✅ Like
✅ Retweet
✅ Tag 3 friends

Winner will be picked after the tattoo reveal.


345 375



Winner will be able to choose 1 of these 2

Follow &

Like & retweet
Tag 3 of your fav friends!

Winner will be picked Sunday 2pm est!

241 284

In the darkest hour, this to shall pass. A community that just broke 1k community members we made our name echo the halls of the giants. LFGROW!!!!

9 20

Lovely Mothers Day airdrop from just hit the wallet! Forever grateful for this team and amazing artist LFGrow!!!!

8 30

Excited to announce updates on our roadmap. We will be releasing our $Greens paper on 3/1/22

Next week we are finalizing technical scoping for our token launch date, and we are expecting an end of q1/early q2 launch date.

95 127

I heard there's no better cult leader in NFTs than LOLOL

Just got my first flower and joined the community!


7 44

LFGROW!!! Had to sell 2 of my babys to get this GOD Flower, !bloom 🌸

9 74