Presenting Meikel Mathias who will be joining us at Since 2013, he has been working as a freelance illustrator and cartoonist in Berlin. His first graphic novel, Inshallah - Short Stories from Morocco, was published in 2008 👇

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It's official, this year is going to be weird & wonderful at We're pimping a golf course to give it some comic art magic! Check out these two fantastic new cartoon creations by the legendary !! More to follow ⛳️#crazygolf

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The sensational Tom Richmond cartoonist and humorous Illustrator is a guest at Tom has twice been honoured as 'Caricaturist of the Year' & awarded with a Reuben award for 'Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year'. So excited he can join us! 🖌️🖍️🎉👇#Cartoonist

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The Macclesfield marvel that is Marc Jackson is a guest at recently started ‘Captain Cereal’ a monthly comic for Hey Kids comics, a Brooklyn, NYC-based publisher, alongside his continuing series ’SPOOKIDS’. ✏️

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Yesss! The awesome creative comic duo that is Bryan & Mary Talbot will be guests at Award winning is published in over 20 countries & graphic novelist Mary Talbot is also an internationally acclaimed scholar ✏️

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The creative force that is Frédéric Campoy is joining us at is a French creator of graphic novels, a screenwriter and teaches and at the Arts and Design college of Pau in France. Find out more 👉✏️🖍️🖌️

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