The issue of LoEG with the wrap around Mars cover is an amazing thing, so much of the art of this series was. RIP

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なんかFGOのモリアーティがフー・マンチューと因縁があるみたいなのを見かけたんだけどLoEGネタなのかAnno Draculaネタなのか別の何かなのか

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4-Way clash: Heretic (DC comics), Noland (Predators), Black Noir (TV show version) and Mina Harker (LOEG).
Who Triumphs?

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She has a parallel story that overlaps with the Medium but also was planned for a short stand alone mini-series. Here are some stand alone test pages I drew years ago trying to get a feel for it. Heavily inspired by Moore & Morrison works, even did a tribute cover to LoEG 2009.

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How I spent my Saturday morning...

(The questions are submitted. Now I just need to write the recap!)

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Now all orders are fulfilled, we have an extremely limited number of our LOEG Tempest HC with 3-D bookplate available to order online!

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... and we've got lots of other exclusive LOEG goodies to help mark the end of an era, including a new A3 print, half price Nemo screen-prints and the illusive Black Dossier 7" edition:!

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We'll be doing our first ever 3-D bookplate for the final LOEG volume: The Tempest. Here's Kevin & Ben's work on the plate image, pre-3-D!

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