Finally posting my stuff!
I wanted to take my time for once and try to practice coloring. I'm actually pretty happy with how these came out! You are all beautiful QwQ

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These were tons of fun to sketch out, even if I wasn't able to be there for long

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I wanted to draw more, but heck, I'm so darn slow. Next time I'm just drawing everyone as tiny dragons. I also picked a bad time to try and experiment with lineness art.

4 12

Ooops, I kinda went overboard with this one~

It's the lovely !

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only got around to sketching one person but here we go !!

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First batch! Messing with different coloring techniques. c': Mild art block.

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i got one more in me so here it is, still experimenting with how to efficiently draw people at these. too bad my laptop died rip

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I drew the first bard at this party of lizards! I loved them so much i just had to color it as well :)

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