Did you forget to alt text all your images this week

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Haha, we are more numerous than we thought! Welcome to our gang. Maybe we need a grumpy as well

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Is it coffee time yet?

Of have I missed it?

I hope not…

How are you?

Yes, I'm OK at the moment - thanks…

What you doing… ?


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You don't have to be good to doodle. It's easy when you try! Wise owl says everyone can doodle

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I did a couple of Justice themed cartoons for … I could recaption appropriately if you wanted … CCed in whichever way you wanted (although a mention & money would be nice 🙂)

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A5 That depends on the subject. Nobody wants a creative accountant ... (I'll get my coat!)

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Me too! I think there might be some gifs!

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I'm here in my learning space (aka sitting in front of keyboard) all ready to go …

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It's been a great decade…

I've met lots of new friends & colleagues virtually (especially via &
and witnessed some great events ().

And I'm still living, in Interesting & Challenging Times… ( &

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Or with a Doodle?

I tried responding to one of the early (20 Jan 2016) sessions by Doodling each of my As…

I didn't make the 'Conversationalist of the week' list I recall 🙁, but I had fun 🙂.

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Tea is my refreshment of choice tonight…

Employability - is it all it's cracked up to be?

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And what surprises me is that
in these digital days of (fairly) simple recording and streaming technology
more conferences are not made available online
asynchronously or synchronously

It would open up academia to more people…
a good thing surely

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