BGs for Season2 EP12
Usually I have pretty clear idea how my BGs could be painted. But I actually dont know hot to paint some of them...we even made a ref folder called 'crystal hell' but the final turns out great, our paint team is so good..

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The Fey Realm! Since I painted the shot for the opening, I was given the opportunity to establish what the above ground fey realm might look like. This is when they first arrive, in the earlier side of perpetual golden hour.

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Pyrah was a tricky place to paint! There was a lot of fun architecture showing a grand history, but we only get to see it in rubble, so we tried to hint at the culture in bits and pieces in between the lava. Layouts for all these by .

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The streets of Vasselheim were a ton of fun to try and come up with little details to help it flourish. Really wanted to push it away from just Viking inspired, so I turned to more eastern European and western Asian influences to decorate the scene

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here is the rough ideation for Fenthras and it's location in Scanlan's vision in
Season2 EP6
these design is acaully done after 208's, since we figured out the INT look of Shademurk tree in that episode

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here is Vax's vision and the wide shot for Pyrah in
Season2 EP5
in the first vision we've tried show a bit of Ankharel which we might see in Season3 🏜️
I've also try add some fire efx I studied from kizumonogatari in the second one ❤️‍🔥

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here is the development concept and production BG for Pyrah
Season2 EP5
I was in the mid of participating pixivファンタジアMOH when started on this location, so I just add some element I wish to do for 火の谷の遺跡 on this location

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here are other shots for Sunken temple and tomb room's rough 3d for Season2 EP3
I was the only one who didn't know 3d in design team
Thanks to and Joseph Martinez I got a lot courage in production to try it out

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here is the INT Sunken temple for Season2 EP3
the copses are drawn by our awesome CH team!
although statues didnt read well in dark in the final production, it was a lot fun imaging and drawing out these previous champions

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here are the development concept and 3 production BGs I did for Slayers take for Season2 EP2
working on this gathering hub while playing MH iceborne was a lot fun⚔️🍖

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and here are the broken Gilmore shop for Season2 EP1

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Delilah‘s sanctum for SE1EP8
went a bit crazy here since I'm allowed for somebloodborneish stuff here ... haven’t talked about it before, in my mind, Briarwood reformed old suntree sanctum, hanging necromantic medium in jars on the dead branches

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Since Episode 107 "Scambo" is out a week,here's some panels of my little board portion I got to do for that lil epic moment I was told this would have a 3D BG so I got to do a 360 shot from the assignment I was given as Revisionist.

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I was wondering why I didn't have a lot for 105 then I found this guy. I feel like this is one of those BG's if we were in office still. I'd treat you out to boba for doing this beast of a layout. Then you'd treat me back for having to paint it LOL.

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Anytime I got a graveyard scene I put the teams names on the tombstones.

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I really can't stress enough how amazing this team is ~ Keep an eye out on the tag for posts from the amazing creatives on the show.

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