Secret Lairとかでチビボネくんが日本を旅するシリーズとか出ないかしら…_(:3」∠)_

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「マジック:ザ・ギャザリング」と「初音ミク」のコラボ『Secret Lair x Hatsune Miku: Sakura Superstar』にて
調和/Harmonize のミクさんを描かせて頂きました!


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you've snuck into the boss's secret lair, and now you challenge her to a battle!

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Secret Lairのリンセリ可愛すぎる!

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meanwhile, in the Small Tora Summoner's lair...

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Forest Wizard's Lair (2019)

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『The Lair』軍の精鋭部隊と化け物がガチバトル!ドッグソルジャーのニール・マーシャルが帰ってきた!怪物も人間も互いに殴る、蹴る、あらゆる近接武器で肉塊になるまでブッ叩く!!弱音を吐く暇があるなら敵を殺す!あらゆる場面において気合とフィジカルがモノを言うバトルホラーの傑作です!!!

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【Secret Lair】
『More Adventures in Middle-earth™』が公開されました。
の1978年公開のアニメーション映画『The Lord of the Rings』のカットを使用したセット

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【Secret Lair】
『Goblin & Squabblin'』が公開されました。
のイラストレーターWizard of Barge氏によるゴブリンセット

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【Secret Lair】
『Featuring: the Mountain Goats』が公開されました。

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Moon of the enemy's lair - Yamato Takeru as Little Prince Usu, from One Hundred Aspects of the Moon, by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi, 1886


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gloom’s lair

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bite the lightening and tell me how it tastes,
kung fu fighting on your roller skates,
do the macarena in the devil's lair
but just don't sit down 'cause I've moved your chair

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10 years ago today, the Operation: Hot Sauce Event started. Herbert & Klutzy attacked the Pizza Parlor and stealing a large bottle of Hot Sauce. Agents had to recover the Hot Sauce bottle by using the TraceTracker 3000. Once in his Lair, Agents had to switch on the "Flood" button

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I've gotten a few questions about Death-Greeter's Champion and the Pride Secret Lair Alesha so I'm going to do a little thread on how the worldbuilding team writes art descriptions and collaborates on ideas like this.

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To build a damn training lair under the Sogyoku is insane. He definitely had to use both spacial manipulation & cloaking spells at least.. That means even in his younger days, Urahara was already competent enough to hide this all from Soul Society.. 🤯

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Time for some Kraid! I never drew a scene for one of the most iconic Metroid bosses, so here it is. My take on Zero Mission's fight. Tried to design a room that would have architecture unique to Kraid's Lair

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