Hi all! I've just released some character sprites! For now these include and More characters will be added in the future!

Link: https://t.co/dRJdK5FvHq

Feel free to download them and build your own game! 🤗Cheers!

14 48

lanxichen.exe stopped working

ofc i just had to draw jc in that fila jacket too 🙏

107 380

Don't judge me, but I really always had a great fear of seeing the first person taking away JiangCheng's virginity not LanXiChen. ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽ It's like ... I can't protect JiangCheng perfectly and will hurt LanXiChen trust, as well as make JC feel unworthy of the love from LXC.

77 342

JinGuangYao. He really love LanXiChen. I shipped LanXiChen and JinGuangYao, he helped rebuild Cloud Recesses TAT

300 766