yall lanzhu haters would not last a DAY in enstars just sayin /lh

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*SIFAS chapter 20 spoilers*

Lanzhu was reminding me of something with her look, and it finally clicked

(Btw it felt incomplete with just 2 so there's also Karin ig)

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Damn the new LL girl Lanzhu Zhong is cute

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Lanzhu is great yall just have no taste

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ANYWAY . Daily reminder to add her soon in the game, add the cinnamon roll, we got Lanzhu but not her that’s not faiiir. Or maybe she’ll join and calm Lanzhu? Idk ARGHH BUTMAKE HER JOIN SOOOON

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Lanzhu Zhong:
"You performed this sexy dance, Mifune? What are you doing? School Idol? Ahahahahaha"

Lanzhu laughed at Shioriko's Starlight 😆

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