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「#ラブライブ虹ヶ咲学園スクールアイドル同好会」より、#天王寺璃奈 たそ。


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1 3

ハルカカナタ 高く飛ぼう
勇気の向こうに 美しい空待ってるの

3 10

Seriously, what are you even on about??

Source: https://t.co/ONnRMVKrfQ

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5 9

Antojo para el sabado a la noche o domingo de la madrugada. Asi que buenas noches a todos.. y sip. Son de la franquicia love live..

Buenas noches a todos

7 25

Coming to pick her up

The YuuMia (ShuuHina) on the pre-broadcast livestream was the best so I had to draw it

Source: https://t.co/vq1G9MXTYb

7 37

Thank goodness I remembered! Tonight, a warm happy b-day to Nijigasaki school idol, 2nd-year, and the scarlet princess known as Setsuna Yuki! Let the flames of happiness shine for another 365 days! 🎉🎁🎊🎈🎉🎁🎊🎈🎉🎁🎊🎈🎉🎁🎊🎈

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⎛(cV„ಡ ᴗ ಡV⎞
You wouldn't want to shame Shizuku by leaving her hanging, right?

Source: https://t.co/FmrwZc87Dr

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Two weeks later

Yuu-chan is quick to change gears

Source: https://t.co/oIf6ac7W52

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Source: https://t.co/U1aBOSbuZL

Her little sister side is acting up again

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Source: https://t.co/UnKN2684ex

Happy birthday Karin-senpaiiii!!!! 👠👠👠

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