Omg it’s April 1st aka HIS birthday ❤️🎉

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"Larten found a boy beyond the men, his own age or a bit younger"

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My other Darren Shan fanzine piece! I know Larten likes his wine, but I feel like he enjoys a good glass of bourbon too ❤️

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Been busy this week so rather than my usual Fanart Friday, here are some previews of my pieces for the Darren Shan fanzine!

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local man and son have uncharacteristically good fashion

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fastest hand in the world or something idk i haven’t read the books (but i’m blatantly lying)

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Also can’t help it but put the Crepsley-Flack brothers together…

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“The last thing Larten wanted to do was raise his gaze. He knew what was waiting for him if he did.” ~ Ocean of Blood 🩸⚓

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There was another half to this (Larten!) but I don’t think I’ll ever finish. So have this! I love these two :)!!!

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So here it is..Larten with a sprinkle of Jeremy Irons in there inspired by 🔥#darrenshan

Now Onto Gavner next - any ideas?

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Cannot believe I was so devoted to keeping Cirque du Freak as my favorite book series… Only for him to move the goal posts!!

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I loved Larton very much. Drawing his character was one of the best things I could do

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That mini love triangle from Archie made me remember another one 😂
(Inspired by the part of the festival where everyone dresses up and the female vamps wear dresses! I wish it could have been in the manga, but the chapter art instead was perfect ❤️)

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