ということで今までCONBEさんからいただいたリクエスト作品です…リアル頭身からミニキャラまで、人から小物、背景まで細やかで味わい深い塗り構図と絵柄を持つCONBEさんと魅力あるS tarGazerのキャラをよろしくな!深海国、三日月国、月狼国、WOLF MANSION、FIREWOLF、LASTWOLF(敬称略)で遊べるぞ!

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Finished YCH+ BG for EverlastWolf over on FA!~ <3

Had so much fun with this <3 Such a cute Eevee <3

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Here is some art of my sonas done in order by @/MoonBlastWolf and @/RomanEffigy

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Books are a 'fantastic delivery system for ideas' and may change mindsets for both children & adults as they share picturebooks together. Mini Grey writes for us in our latest newsletter on & loss of https://t.co/sNAo1dYSU9

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An amazing review here of in this Autumn's issue of Carousel Magazine

6 21

We made a very small forest at this morning. Fabulous trees of incredible fiddliness made by an enthusiastic crowd!

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