Lana Leuka is a great comic book for someone looking for an easy to digest fantasy-noir story.

Read the full article: Is It Your Average Detective Story?

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What Lana Leuka lacks in story complexity, it makes up for in art and a simple but enjoyable story that leaves you wanting more.

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We’re following two perspectives - Lana’s and Chase’s, and there isn’t much going away from them.

Read the full article: Is It Your Average Detective Story?

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It's always people say like, I need to find my style, but it's also a confidence thing and staying true to what you know about yourself.

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Yeah, yeah, no, um, absolute killer of a front cover and I loved doing this one.

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There's been a really cool cause I keep getting like pictures of people taking like selfies with it and making like cool, funny faces and stuff like it was, yeah, it was, it was cool.

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Um, and it's good for me to turn back on that and reflect on it and, and move forward from it.

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Um, and just seeing a different artist perspective in terms of someone who working professionally in the industry was really nice to see too.

Read the full article: Lana Leuka and Lauren Marshall are in da house

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They just gave me the title and I just kind of just rolled with it and did salty peaches, as in “you bit salty that someone ruined you in any game that you're into”.

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I think that's why I really like it because it's quite nostalgic for me to look back and be like, okay, that was a turning point for me.

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Um, whilst my brain might be love firing in my head, like absolute fireworks, but I, I just went with it and, um, I follow my instinct I guess.

Read the full article: Lana Leuka and Lauren Marshall are in da house

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So I, in terms of the salty peaches, like it was just a manifestation of all these different faces that I make when I'm drawing and put it into this picture.

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Yeah, so I was actually, I'm just fresh coming back from Sydney or I was in Sydney at the time cause I did a little short stint in Sydney.

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Yeah, yeah, no, um, absolute killer of a front cover and I loved doing this one.

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So, um, yeah, that's the official term for it, but salty peaches is actually, um, a beer can design that I did for a brewing company called

Read the full article: Lauren Marshall talks Salty Peaches

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Uh, and then me taking, like for years, I've dropped little nuggets about Lana, um, whether on Instagram or Facebook or whatever, social media, just little sketches or ideas.

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