Lavasioth Gunlance idk

29 234

I made more of these chibi monsters, now with extra info!
Also a friend of mine calls Jyuratodus "the Water Lavasioth" and that's why I choose that name for the drawing. I found it funny hehe :B

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<再掲> なんか進化前的なやつ。
ポケモン金銀風 ヴォルガノス
Pokemon gold/silver style Lavasioth

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Today's monster is Lavasioth, introduced to the main MH series in Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on the PSP.

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Le 5 juillet 2007 débarquait Monster Hunter Frontier sur PC au Japon❗️

Depuis, 3 monstres du jeu ont été importés dans la série principale: l’Hypnocatrice et le Lavasioth dans MHP2ndG, et l’Espinas dans

Hélas, le jeu n’est jamais sorti en Occident…

11 102

If you ask about the Espinas Subspecies and Espinas Rare Species, I'm waiting to see if they'll end up appearing in the Main Series as well. We can't forget that Hypnocatrice's and Lavasioth's other forms have never appeared in the Main Series as of yet.

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Welcome to the Main Series, Espinas!

Hypnocatrice - First Appearance: MHFU (2008)

Lavasioth - First Appearance: MHFU (2008)

Espinas - First Appearance: MHRS (2022)

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I wouldn't be surprised if nobody wanted the plesioth but poor little lavasioth :,(

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Sometimes I wonder if Espinas is actually old enough to show up in the main series. Hypnocatrice and Lavasioth may have debuted in Frontier, but showed up in main games because they were in concept prior to Frontier. Hypnocatrice has just been in a weird limbo since FU.

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ポケモン金銀風 フロンティア勢
Pokémon Gold /Silver style frontier team
(For some reason, only Lavasioth is a bit Pokémon style)

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While primarily used to help it swim, Lavasioth has strong legs to help support its massive armored frame on land. It can also slither on the ground with great skill, allowing it to chase down and outmaneuver its prey. Reportedly, Lavasioth can even jump extremely high.

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Lavasioth is a predator that is known to prey upon Vespoid and Apceros. Highly territorial in nature, Lavasioth will attack other large monsters that invade its territory, including other Lavasioth. While some might think that it's limited to the lava, Lavasioth can walk on land.

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Lavasioth's Average Length (Frontier) = 2400cm

Lavasioth's Average Length (MHFU) = 2223cm

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Large Monsters
1. Rathalos/Rathian
2. Azure Rathalos/Pink Rathian
3. Silver Rathalos/Gold Rathian
4. Diablos/Black Diablos
5. Bazelgeuse
6. Barroth
7. Uragaan
8. Deviljho
9. Plesioth
10. Lavasioth
11. Chameleos
12. Nerscylla
13. Shrouded Nerscylla

2 32

Los cuatro monstruos que más me ha costado cazar (y que lo haya conseguido).

Al principio no e venía ninguno a la cabeza, pero luego recordé el dolor de cabeza que fue el Lavasioth en GenU...
Al Diablos de GenU fui creyendo que sería tan fácil como en World (JAJAJA).

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Leviathon - Abyssal Lagiacrus
Piscine Wyvern - Lavasioth
Snake Wyvern - Najarala

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what did lavasioth do to yall

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