6/25中庭で待ち合わせ 東2モ28b
ネロファウ新刊「Last Lave Letter」

26 224

lave sua boca antes de falar de gus porter!! https://t.co/nncUgY4pYL

10 46

Es gracioso que XJ piense que LY se va avergonzar de que alguien le lave el cabello, cuando recuerda, que hace 3000 años habian sirvientes que lavaban el cabello de LY jajajaja

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thank you for the art share and congrats!!!!

i'm lave/nappy and i hoard angel ocs lol


10 28

im lave and i hoard angel ocs lol
here's some of my art~

10 48

tysm for the art share evi;;; i hope more people see this and post bc we gotta help each other out!!

i'm lave/nappy and i hoard angel ocs! i hope to create a proper story with them one day

10 26

thank you for the opportunity!
i'm lave, i have 3.7K+ followers and i draw angel ocs!! i hope to create a proper story with them one day ;;<;;

4 15

thank you so much!! i'm lave and i just reached 3,7K!! i mostly draw my ocs as of rn, they're all angel bbs <3

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Lo más triste es que en este panel no se hizo presente la frase

"Mientras el mar se lave en la arena...y las estrellas brillen por encima de ti, nos volveremos a encontrar"

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知見: laveは単独で使うと表現が精緻になりがち。以下、副産物。

4 29

hell yeah thank you so much for the art share!!
i'm lave, aro/ace artist who hoards angel ocs and hopes to do some serious projects with them one day~

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Yokaitober - saison 2 - 7 - Azukitogi

Azukitogi « lave-soja ») est un du
On le repére près des rivières par un bruit de frottement, shoki, shoki (#ショキショキ), qu'il fait en lavant des haricots azuki (#小豆).

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