Some Thai woke leftists when 13 Oct 2016

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Liberals/leftists cheering on the evil megacorporation that kissed China's ass for years and thanked them for letting them film near a concentration camp just to own DeSantis. You people are a joke. Though now we get to find out who has deeper pockets: Disney or the government?

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It's ironic how people twitter go on and on about how if Avatar the last air bender came today, people will b*tch about it being "Woke" and yet I've haven't seen a single Anti-sjw make that argument, but there are plenty of Leftists who had complained about how problematic it is

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"Hm... The question now is whether this nasty comment came from an actual minor or some dirty older dude catfishing Leftists? Well, either way, they're going to be crying for mommy when I turn this back on them."

🎨 * 🪙

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I've noticed that many people with this image in their bios are either raging leftists and socialists with a very low tolerance threshold or deluded virtue signallers who will believe absolutely anything...including the notion that men can change into women and vice versa.

6 41

You said you liked🐈‍⬛🏆 colors.
My University:🇧🇷Brazil#3🗺️World#333😹.
🇧🇷Relatives&past school friends🙀War:
t. (🇯🇵Dad🇧🇷Mom)Half/Hapa

1 0

I'll reveal my biggest insecurity:🇮🇹tan skin(not black!)
Society will bully me😥if I show my face.
RightWing bully my tan & effeminacy, calling me queer brown subhuman monkey mutt.
Leftists bully my based✝️mystic faith.
Proud centrist♊☀️Anarchist🐱😉

0 1

Let's make it a thread

ANSWER, The People’s Forum, and Code Pink try to brand themselves as “leftists,” yet they parrot Putin’s talking point about NATO in a stylish graphic stating “Honor the Anti-War legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.”


16 44

Conservatives will unironically make the same arguments leftists do for gun control with no self awareness when it comes to living breathing organisms

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This ain’t the ‘Merica I kno’

Damn leftists

0 1

Stalin sided with the rightists against the leftists only to execute what the leftists had proposed once he took power. Many were shocked. Trotskyists were bitching that Stalin "stole their program"

(See Napoleon vs Snowball conflict in the Animal Farm. It's highly accurate)

31 414

Why leftists memes keep proving right-wing memes???

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This is the society leftists want (me)

110 804

Lars would be shocked to know many leftists agree with this no to measure 114 poorly written makes no real change and just makes if you don’t trust the police I’m supposed to trust them to allow me to have a gun. PS not all dems are anti gun

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Anime is finally going mainstream in America, everyone sees it coming, so American leftists are scrambling to define social taboos & rules about "good" anime vs. um-yikes-toxic anime & proclaim how the good stuff aligns with their politics, as they do with all pop culture (1/2)

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hi, hello, yes, hastwt is a very nice place (in comparison to other subtwts) and we have the gays and enbies and we're all leftists :DDDD

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On the other hand, I grudgingly like American leftists for their colourful hair.

Pink hair looks cute, even on a guy. Too bad it's associated with angry keyboard warriors who turn art into comment warzones.

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Foxes are a weird bunch on Twitter. They're either bottoms, chads, hardcore leftists, or schizophrenic. As this social experiment of an account goes on, you really notice the patterns.

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Progressive leftists be like

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This idiot tried to make fun of Right-Wing people that complain about "everything being political" and then deleted his own cartoon/joke because other Leftists complained the comic was being political. lmao 🤡

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