Legatus is sick of you, so he walk around as he’s talking.

YT : https://t.co/8CsHE02ERq
Stream : https://t.co/OW5sxYGKkh

52 185

Happy birthday Fuuchan 🐑❤
wish you happy every day!
BAAAAA you (❁´ω`❁)*✲゚*

12 60

Happy baaaaaday fuu chan!!
wish you happy every day!!
we baaaaaa you❤️❤️❤️

37 149

Happy birthday Fuuchan! I have prepared a short story for your birthday. About Pan. (I put it below. w) Thank you for comfydants fun this whole year! BAAAA You——ε٩(๑> ₃ <)۶ з

6 39

I am bad with words so .....BAAAAAAArthday Art!!!!!
Kid Legatus and Archivist will have the best baaaaarthday

21 72

Vulpes successfully wages his attack on the Central Republic. The Legion is wiped out when the final Legatus disappears through a portal.

Lucis must choose between saving his twin sister or Vulpes, and ultimately, which one he believes should lead the neo-Republic.

0 8

Just imagined to make chara which is a comfysona living in Legatus 505 world, she is one of the water scientist in The Republic ! (*/ω\*)

1 6

p1 好大只的Archivist和干练的Legatus

p2 毛绒绒的一定很容易弄脏吧,带个小围兜保护一下😊🐑

p3 羊毛之下是?

p4 Archivist:来聊聊?✧(≖ ◡ ≖ )

259 824

I have a very special thing on my horn(◦˙▽˙◦)
The necklace around my neck is legatus' dog tag 🥰
The best thing is……hold our best leader in my hand hehe😏😏

2 12

Just thought Astral Chain really suits his aesthetic

224 821


203 905

Doodles of chapter 2 while listenin the Interim 1!
Fuu' s voice acting is so good, Im having so much fun listening while working Ꮚ◡ꈊ◡Ꮚ

18 120

Some small comics about legatus and archivist:

139 828

I am watching his danganronpa stream now 👁👁🤏

13 84

R to L
Here is my secret santa gift for . Hope u will enjoy reading this short comic ft. legatus and archivist

35 101