Headshot of my favourite confidant Fu Heng, brilliantly done by the brilliant I did the wave overlay myself, as I don't want anybody nefariously stealing her art.

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Baron Det chibi, for use as an emoji on the Legend of the Phoenix Discord.

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Zhou Yu chibi, for use as an emoji on the Legend of the Phoenix Discord.

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Wen Zhengming chibi, for use as an emoji on the Legend of the Phoenix Discord.

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Tang Bohu chibi, for use as an emoji on the Legend of the Phoenix Discord.

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Pan An chibi, for use as an emoji on the Legend of the Phoenix Discord.

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Murong Chong chibi, for use as an emoji on the Legend of the Phoenix Discord.

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Ji Kang chibi, for use as an emoji on the Legend of the Phoenix Discord.

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Henry chibi, for use as an emoji on the Legend of the Phoenix Discord.

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14th Prince chibi, for use as an emoji on the Legend of the Phoenix Discord.

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Fu Heng chibi, for use as an emoji on the Legend of the Phoenix Discord.

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Consort Xian chibi, for use as an emoji on the Legend of the Phoenix Discord.

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