A commission I did for a friend of mine in my guild in . We are Knights of the Silver Hand on our way to a tournament. I did a lot of experimentation with this one, but I love the way it turned out. I'm a sucker for lady knights. <3

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A World of Warcraft because that seemed fun and easy. This is my half-elf paladin, and knight of the Silver Hand, Lethwen Lightsworn. I had fun with this actually. Might have to do a few more of my toons.

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While sitting at our table at this weekend, I decided to do some sketching. In honor of I asked for suggestions of LGBTQ+ icons from pop culture to draw. I did and (I had a "princess" theme going lol) and my OC Lethwen for me. <3

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Pride month is coming up and I have decided I'm going to try to put out some art featuring my nonbinary half-elf paladin, Lethwen Lightsworn, this year. I've been aching to draw her for a while.

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