This is getting fun. I added a shrinking projectile. It doesn't check the collision until the tweening is done. You need to shoot ahead.

You can try the current version on Liluo. I'll leave it up for a while unless I have a problem.

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Hei olen Antsu, tamperelainen kuvittaja, sarjakuvataiteilija ja graafinen suunnittelija. Rakastan naishahmojen suunnittelua, erilaisilla tarina ideoilla leikittelystä ja kauhu/yliluonnollisista teemoista.


3 15


Lucky Quinn -- dramatic TVstar of the most famous interview show "no secr"

9 49

"I get lost in the aesthetics of black and white stripes〰️"
This is Milligan. Milly Milligan. I think, you'll see her many more times;)

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