It's tomato time!

One of summer's redeeming qualities. I managed to grow some big ones this year, so I'm sharing them. How are your tomatoes coming along?

39 172

Erwin and Levi had been eating beef bowls together for years. You would never know it by his size, but Levi always won. Until the day he didn't. That day, he fell in love all over again.

29 151

Levi is a winter baby. Let's wake him up when summer is over.

33 136

Erwin held the bulb close to examine it. It had a face in front and a sprout on its top. It made another, smaller noise, almost sounding like a gasp. But it didn't run away.

"What are you?" Erwin mumbled, more to himself than anything.

"...cold." came a reply.

15 70

All his yard needed before winter was those pesky leaves out from behind the bushes. As he scooped up a pile, Erwin's hand ran into something soft, small and firm. It squeaked, and he jolted. He carefully picked it up to examine it.

It looked like a... bulb?

16 51

My sweet darling, I've finally found you!

I will wait for your arrival impatiently!

13 29

On a mission to fit into as many cups as possible

12 49

Tries so hard to look tough, but still just a kitty

41 196

“The way you fell from the sky, I… thought that maybe you were an angel or something.”

46 213

It could have been a good feeling to have both shells back in his possession, but Little Levi couldn't help thinking worriedly about the two-tail. He would call it that from now on. He had been afraid of it again.

26 182

It was the creature with two tails again, and with his missing shell, too! A bit flustered, Little Levi pulled the end of his own tail out of the water, silently questioning the other's form. It lifted one of its tails in return.

139 634

I am human and I am allowed to splurge on myself a little bit

16 98

has closed the Mer-May Little Sh❤️ppe! Thank you so much to everyone for all your support! I am a very tuckered-out little boob-let, and my heart is so full!

1 31

Hello, everybody! Little Levi is getting ready to pack up the Mer-May Little Sh❤️ppe, which will be closing end-of-day May 31st! If you've been thinking about jumping on any Little Sh❤️ppe items, now's the time to send a dm! Thank you so much for all your support!!

4 34

Life is happening for me, and while I can take new orders, I won't be able to process any for the next week, starting 12noon EST on Friday! As a consolation, I've decided to extend Sh*ppe days until the end of the month!

7 54