In the absence of justice, what is sovereignty but organized robbery? ~ St. Augustine

55 82

When a dear friend goes bad...

11 144

Day 718: Meanwhile, as this asshat asset treats 800K+ federal workers and their families like the contractors who did surprise pro bono work for him...#magaisformorons

42 60

Day 668: Didn’t post this one yesterday; In which a vaguely human heir apparent has her own moment.

12 51

A reminder of what an *actual* witch hunt looked like. Who’s the “Crooked” one, again?

23 65

Day 539: In which it’s a good thing for this man-sized sack of sun-bleached kangaroo meat that his supporters are basically the Eric Trumps of deductive reasoning.

34 64

Day 368: In which Foghorn Jeffhorn hopes the role of the coy, forgetful elf-dandy keeps the special counsel spectre at bay.

9 35

Day 345: Happy New Year’s all! Here’s to hoping it’s a happier and healthier one for (almost) everyone.

17 24

to an unfinished sketch from 1 year ago today. Right as I was taking myself off social media and with the dawning realization of going from Hope and Change to Nope and Strange.

6 12

Day 286: Foghorn Beauregard Jeffhorn returns with another of his patented “whoopsie-daisy-forgot-em’s”.

19 30