I wish I had a button “make a CryptoMadonna” but I don’t have it 😩 that’s why every CMad has a long journey between a sketch and a result. I prepared a longread for you to show how this 👇🏻becomes this 👇🏻

9 31

If you're looking for a weekend
may I recommend Material Fictions?
Part 2 includes
"The Glove as Fetish Object in Eighteenth-Century Fiction and Culture," by Tracey Hutchings-Goetz

5 10

The Quiet Bay in the midst of the Storm | Longread

1 7

Hey sweety-meaty ppls! 🩸
It is rare to find time for a longread-thread, but now it’s just this moment.

I want to introduce the community to the author of Kabessa Lopes and his collection "Randomic Fauna1" on the platform


Fly down 👇

1 11

Happy 28th birthday, ! To celebrate, here’s my annual of (and Doom-adjacent) long reads I’ve written . (As always, thank you for the opportunity to tell these stories.)

130 469

What a wonderful review by of the new !

"Here we are, in 2021’s summer's death bed with Kælan Mikla surging like a geyser with new music after the longest time, and oh boy, it was worth the wait."


1 12

I've never spent longer writing anything than I have writing this article. I'm excited today to finally present to you my explanation of why we need Modern Monetary Theory (#MMT) and why it needs Universal Basic Income (#UBI).


272 533

'The media betrays us all on a daily basis': Over the coming weeks we will be revisiting our archive in our series. Kicking off with the much missed and brilliant in typically blistering & uncompromising form https://t.co/13jbwO6E22

2 4




「ほめる教育」が子どもをダメにする理由とは(via ) https://t.co/1QzeEwYiwg

0 3


職場の不満が人事制度を改善しても減らないのは「自己愛」が原因だ(via ) https://t.co/UGHBWvfgwO

0 1

Google has vast plans for your personal health data.

I sat down with the head of the program. One of the first things out of his mouth: Mistakes have been made.

"We didn't know what we were doing."

Weekend w/


98 165

The longreads we're highlighting today were made possible by our patrons. Consider backing us on Patreon or Ko-fi to help us keep stories like these coming. (Bonus: you can read our articles before everybody else!)

Patreon: https://t.co/ur06kkXAPM
Ko-fi: https://t.co/SifdAgSnmP

2 3

We have a new longread by that looks into the Luminous Arc franchise. It's a deep-dive that looks into the first two games, and how a little sincerity and respect for the work led to vastly different experiences between them. https://t.co/tx9zbqMrII

3 3

A quick painting of a rough for longreads that wasn't finalised. It's great to do a painting at the end of the day to wind down from all the screen activity and not be able to press undo.

1 18

“The Blaming of the Shrew” A real tasty assignment for Longreads about antiheroes, bad women, misogyny and how the modern antihero trope has set the stage for our political climate. The first in a series and a true dream job. Thank you AD !!

7 54

A very, very, VERY detailed story about the Bing Crosby’s involvement in the introduction of recordable magnetic tape, which revolutionized radio entertainment, studio facilities, audio recording, and eventually TV and video recording.

44 99