Lopun Alun Kirjojen ensimmäisen osan finaaliluku on nyt luettavana Tapasissa! Nyt on hyvä hetki lukea koko tarina alusta loppuun... ja lisää on tekeillä. Kiitokset kaikille jotka ovat auttaneet ja inspiroineet sarjakuvan tekemisessä. :)

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Teder running~ x) He is so fun and so frustrating to draw at the same time.

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I'm making new versions of these 3 :) The first one is from 2016, the second one from 2017 and the third from 2019.

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Roze as the evil fairy from Sleeping Beauty line art and color

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Just finished this on black paper! What do you think?

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are fun but blending is a lot of work and thinking

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Today I drew apples. But of course I can't draw normal apples... So I made them character themed

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finished this character drawing today :) now back to drawing the actual comic...

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