fashion prompt hit me at the right time, so here is Lorenz at the MET Gala circa 2019 (inspo taken from Zendaya and Chadwick Boseman's awesome outfits)

7 11

Day7/Exploration たまにはこういうことする日があってもいいよね

2 12

Day 5: Carnation/Alternative Time Period.
I’ve made enough jokes about using Thyrsus as a baseball bat to actually draw Thrysus as a baseball bat. Also 1920s uniforms are very cute i think so..
+ extra funnie doodle

3 13

Day5/Fashion 私服どんなの持ってんだろうとか、フリフリしたシャツ着てて欲しいなとか思いながら描いた

18 52

i havent really been able to do much art lately so here's my art from earlier this year 💜 reposting for !!

10 26

第五天: fashion/alt time period
今天画了Lorenz穿着最近在流行的FILA露脐和 sailor moon skechers 运动鞋。

10 18

i'm sorry i didn't use the prompt but i just really wanted to draw lorenz for

11 34

Day4/PURPLE COLUMBINE 紫野オダマキの花言葉には「勝利への決意」というのもあるそうで

39 104

I realized it was last night
and honestly...What's a better sign of growing as a person than looking back on how you were like in the past like "past self why?"

18 42

Day 2:「理性」と「信仰」

34 85

Day2/ Reason and Faith 理学と信仰二本立てでお送りします

33 82

第二天:Faith and Reason

101 213