I´m very proud to present my deck, 🎉😊
24 cards (21 major arcana cards plus the Fool (0), a preface card and the title card, all art by me!
Follow this link to my shop https://t.co/shRYmyvzCl

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Another example of my card reworks. This card was the first and the one with the hardest difference to my later entries. Not every card needs such a complete treatment.

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Card no. 21 of my the 22th card in counting, and the last one of this arcana. What a ride! But it isn´t completely over yet. What´s happening the next weeks: (read further)

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Card no. 20 of my the 21th in counting.
Phew...with all the stuff (good stuff, but work-intensive) going on in my life this baby almost didn´t make it to today's release. 😅 Glad he did.😈

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Card 19 of my the 20th in counting. What a wonderful day at the beach with (The sun has no chance against her beaming glory)

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card no 17, the 18th in counting.
Thank you Your poll decision was very clear, so it´s "The Morningstar"!
Our lovely Eve is now part of this set too, yay!

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Card no. 11 of my "Justice". I can´t have MOM in the set without also giving a card to Two so very different, still similar persons sharing the same body. Enjoy!

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no. 10, my eleventh card.
Again one of the motifs I had in mind from the start. So I give you Lee at the hellish poker table of chance.💙😈

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Card no. 9 and the tenth card of my
Sorry for the sad theme, but it stuck with me and had to be drawn.
I hope you enjoy it anyway.☺️💙😈

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Merry Christmas, dear
I hope you all have a safe Holiday and look forward to leave this strange year behind!😈
This is my 7th card, no. 6 in the counting The Lovers! 😈❤️🕵️‍♀️

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