Any chance for more ladies from that archetype I preferably lunalight panther dancer she my fav 🥰🥰🥰

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I know it late but might as well drop a pic of my fav lunalight panther dancer and showing off my favorite pic of her 😍🥰💙💙🥰😍

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I love to see one my favorites lunalight panther dancer and a excuse to post my fav art piece of her

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Lunalights might be cursed, or I am cursed - either way I'm hoping the All-Father can redeem me down the line 🤞
Thanks to everyone who came by, and thanks to for the raid! ❤️

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Lunalight Leo Dancer my beloved. Nothing can beat your “3500 attack point, non targetable/destructible by card affect, two attacks per turn and destroy all special summoned monsters” body 😩😩😩
She’s kinda hot too I guess

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Happy Halloween everyone!

Here's a doodle of Lena in her way too revealing nurse costume and Lunalight in a 007 costume!

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Lunalight panther dancer or layer

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Why does no one talk about Lunalight Tiger’s art? Everyone talks about her banlist status, but no one ever mentions the fact she looks like nothing like any other Lunalight. Every other one is a more realistically proportioned human, but Tiger is some weird toony creatura

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I will always have a spot in my heart for lunalight panther dancer and post one my all time favorite artpiece of her if you don’t mind

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You think I’m joking nah the whole LunaLight archetype is like that

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[CM] Lunalight Leo Duel

For . Thank you for your support

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With on my mind recently, I thought it would be nice to see what everyone's top 3 favorite decks/archetypes are!
Here are mine (in order):
1) Magnet Warriors 🧲
2) Lunalights 🌙
3) Appliancers 🔌

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If it ok one my favorite is lunalight panther dancer and every time I bring up yugioh card gals I love to look up its amazing beautiful pic of her

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Going with my ride or die girl, Lunalight Leo Dancer! Lunalights got me back into the game after many years away and they're still my fave deck to play.

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Happy birthday to Lunalight Baker from Hatsukoi * Syndrome! 🥳🎉

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I absolutely love my Lunalight deck.
It's so ridiculous that you can potentially win turn 1 with the right hand by repeatedly fusion summoning until you get one of these out...

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A lunalight themed comm for
Thanks for the opportunity! 🏳️‍🌈🌟✨

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Anyone who played Lunalights can feel this

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