"Mi accendo una sigaretta"
È da tre giorni che guardo Luxastra, rompendo le palle alla mia coinquilina, e ovviamente dovevo disegnare Galgith.

Reference from Unsplash

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Twitting for the first time with a fanart of my favorite boy: Rendar from Luxastra, a D&D campaign by

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Here on twitter, to no one surprise, is baby boy Essek (not that I've posted much)
On ig is another fanart (luxastra, for the italians) https://t.co/4IGmL97ZCM

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È online la Premiére dell'8° episodio di D&D vai su https://t.co/btqmEZrdR7, apri la thumbnail e attiva il promemoria ✔️ per ricevere la notifica sulla messa in onda.

Credendo Vides

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Three Surcalis for this half-elf, thanks!

I had to draw Rendar from it surprised me but i loved this character 🥰

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