Mystaが一枚目のイラストを見つけてくれてから、冗談抜きに私の人生は間違いなく変わりました。Love Mysta! You are the reason I fell in love with EN and Luxiem. Thank you forever!!!🦊🧡

7334 50770

Imagine if Mysta was part of Luxiem. That would be crazy!

260 2366

Happy 1st Anniversary Ikey🎉✨
(Sorry I’m late🙇‍♀️💦)
I’m so glad to have met Luxiem. You always make me happy. I’ll always support and love you💙
and Merry Christmas!

0 12

요고는 너희를 위한거란다 럭솀...
서프라이즈 1개 더해야...
This is for you, Luxiem...
One more surprise left.....

0 16

i love mysta so much hes such a kind soul like genuinely. he deserves so much and im so proud of him man. he has genuinely made my life so much happier in the past month since i discovered him and the rest of luxiem. mysta rias appreciation post. 😭

7 52

Enna if she debuted in luxiem. I made this after i found her jazz cover of hope in the dark

16 124

🍵:You’re my Senpai.
☯:No,no,no! You’re Luxiem. I’m Noctyx.
🍵:Shut up.
☯:So, you’re Sempai!
🍵:I’m JP, I’m team EDEN! And you’re VΔLZ!!

22 61

It's my favorite luxiem.
A change sticker.

1840 8833

Anyway, it's a great day, half an anniversary, new songs and your 700k, everything is worth celebrating!!! I'm proud of you and luxiem.

3 12

(First Post?) I had the sudden urge to draw this. It started with Leo as Mysta and became all of Knights instead. So here is Knights x Luxiem.

10 68

I decide these for Luxiem. Guese what it is? Yeah I decide to do a coaster! Or maybe a sticker?

0 10

The seiso vs unseiso of Luxiem. Their thumbnail shows a lot about them 😂

253 589

milk tea and luxiem.
(I like to drink recently.)#MystaArt

86 417