梨泥くれはさん (#oninokureha)
まぉさん (#MaoChannel_)

ろーぷりこーじー (2/5)

4 13


Mao nyungsep ke parit, dan ini tanggapan mereka..
Lizette & Vre: Maochan kamu gapapa?!
Alba: Ada² aja kelakuannya- *nolongin Mao*
Regu: Mao-san?!
Sisy: Mao, kamu baik² aja?

Dari kejauhan..
Shion: Pasti Mao berulah lagi-
Asmita: Mao kena karma.. *ngeteh*


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The magical girl of the evening is Silvia Maruyama from Ground Defense Force! Mao-chan.

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The magical girl for tonight is Mao Onigawara from Ground Defense Force! Mao-chan.

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here is the first place award for mochi_harinezumi (instagram) winner of Thank you very much for your participation

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second place award for Thank you for your participation and I hope you like your drawing and also third place too

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【WF4-H 展示品について②】
1. James:潜水艦、ヘリコプター(毎度お馴染み!)
2. MrExclamation:Dorokun
3. Zliya:魔械不動尊
4. 3DIN:クワガタムシ
5. AmaoChan:ポラーベア、フライタートル

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Liu Maochan.


Chinese Ink Painting On Paper.

색색의 웃음 옷으로 차려입고
구석진 곳까지 봄꽃 향기를 전해준다.

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maochang( *´艸`)

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