wow maybe you guys shouldn't have been carelessly teleporting your stupid-ass city in and out and causing earthquakes and shit. Also you probably shouldn't have left nuclear weapons lying around for the dingoes to defend themselves with. Dumbasses.

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y'know this is starting to sound like all of this is the Echidna's fault

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last issue: "yo we're gonna arrest you now as part of this cliffhanger"

this issue: "lol whoops sorry for arresting you we should've recognized you earlier XDDDDDD, also now we're gonna treat you like the most important person on the planet"

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why does this statue give off GigaChad vibes

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honestly this isn't making me intrigued at all to learn more about what's going on, all this is doing is getting me really upset about Knuckles' dad faking his death in front of him and keeping him in the dark for so long, it sucks

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oh this surely won't turn absurdly heterosexual at ALL

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And now we've finally gotten to Julie-Su, arguably one of Penders' most popular characters, and of course they do the classic "character thinks this masked/hooded person is a boy but actually THEY'RE A GIRL???!!!?!?!!!!????!!?!?!" bit

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We're already back at the Knuckles series. I'm not looking forward to this in the slightest and neither should you.

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this cover kinda goes hard but I have no faith in the issue itself

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this literally makes no sense what are you ON about

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Antoine is me after morning shifts

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