Meet Poppy. A resilient little flower that never gives up and keeps on being the best she can be. This is another Just had to have another go at a flower character

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Here’s my for We had to draw a flower that began with the middle letter of our first name. I love sunflowers and have drawn them often so thought I’d do something different this time. Really looking forward to starting the course tomorrow

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doodle for course starting soon, My Toy Pitch.

Topic: alien kids making desserts in science class.


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Excited to start on the Character Bootcamp course today. First off, a quick warm-up piece for the prep assignment 🍪😋

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My work for the 2 page spread of the 'Night Lights', written by gn, as a part of s course. I have used almost every medium.

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This is my response to the 2nd mini assignment for The prompt was to include some objects with your character from a given selection and also do a page if facial expressions.

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I usually don't paint humans and my usual medium is pen and Watercolors, but following instructions, I played around with different mediums and just had fun for this drawing prompt.

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Been doing my "blobby colours" for Turned into quite the odd colour palette - hope I don't have to use it to make an illustration!

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My response to the second prompt - setting/environment. So this is (part of) the view from my bedroom window, mine and my neighbours back gardens.

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I am going to MATS assignment bootcamp 2020 on 2nd March. Yipppeee!

This is my
Introducing the St John's worts going to Bootcamp with their ginger friend, Jarrod.

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