My hanging out with his bestie 🦉 chillin like villains....and no Paulie don't want no damn cracker 🦜 Happy Thanksgiving my Canadian Twitter fam!!💚💚

12 41

Giving away a and possibly a treatment for your !!!

🎉 Follow  

🎉 Like, RT, and Tag 3

🎉 Be in the space!!👇👇👇

106 162

To show support to a fellow AI project . Am giving away MBAI in this post.

- Follow
- TAG 3 FRIENDS (if you even have lmao)

377 486

You say AI, I say future!
MBAI This one is sick!
The blazing heart!
Eye of the dragon!

58 257

Rag'wi's kalari kids:

N'karu (Rag'wi x unknown priest, they don't know they're dad and son, but they act like they are anyway)

Maui and Zraki (Rag'wi x Ma'qui)

Mbai'tika, Hi'ilei and U'pendiki (Rag'wi x Ra'eesha)

Uma and Zarahni (Zulagan x Shuki, Rag'wi is their loafather+

7 31

one of my favourite Ra'eeshan and Rag'wi's triplets stories is that Tika and Diki are called after two (headcanon) legend troll heroes (Mbai'tika and U'pendiki), and Rag'wi tells they those stories at bedtime +

6 31

1. Nka'ru (the one he doesn't know is his)
2. Uma and Zarah'ni (adopted twins, daughters of a deceased tribe member)
3. Zraki and Maui, sons of Rag'wi and Ma'qui
4. Mbai'tika, Hi'ilei and Upen'diki, triplets of Rag'wi and Ra'eesah

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