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Neuroinflammation needs to be part of mental health conversations. Your brain is an organ and it doesn’t work properly when it’s inflamed. Mast cell activation and many other conditions can cause neuroinflammation. #MCAS #SuicidePreventionDay #eds #pots
It’s #DisabilityPrideMonth so in case you didn’t know I’m a disabled artist! Your favorite pieces are made by yours truly who has POTS, MCAS, and EDS 🦓❤️
I'm just going to go ahead and warn yall... next month (September) is Chiari Malformation and Intercranial Hypertension awareness month and I'm going to be going a little nuts schooling everyone on how much of a living hell it is. And then October is POTS & MCAS month.
@homarcide My MCAS makes me allergic to tomatoes and anything with tomatoes IN IT at least once a month for roughly a week. I fear I would starve that week in his care.
also I might have to deal with his brother and I feel like I might make him an only child very quickly
Bad MCAS flare up... so far an Allegra, two Pepcid, 4 Benadryl, allergy eye drops, calamine lotion spray have not helped.
RAILA denied doctor's PPEs and opted the money for BBI let them not attend him in hospital. BBI will sort him out nkt🥲
#AmericanRescuePlan #Magufuli #MatiangiPresidency #MCAS in karatina
@DisabledArts @PuccaNoodles Hey! Here’s some of my work. I have multiple chronic illnesses including Fibromyalgia and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. Currently doctors also think EDS, CFS & MCAS along with others and have just been told I have a dysfunctional autonomic nervous system.
#ValentinesDay2021 Love Is In The County Assemblies... #Uhuru #Raila #MCAs #BBINonsense Cartoon for @StandardKenya @SDEKenya
#BBINonsense President Uhuru assures County Assembly members of their car grants as #LindaKatiba an anti-BBI campaign is launched... #MCAs Cartoon for @StandardKenya @SDEKenya
@SquiddrzA I got diagnosed with ADHD when I was 17 and with Autism Spectrum disorder one year after.
Besides my neurodivergency I also have chronic diseases and disabilities such as POTS, EDS and MCAS.
Ty for this!
Your artwork is breathtaking!
Full body allergy attack... I’m so itchy I could claw my skin and eyes off... #MCAS
#chronicillness #sickness #sick #artist
The gastro thing is now under consideration for:
severe bacterial infection/viral infection
milk allergy
MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome) which is found a lot in EDS/POTS sufferers. Shiiiiiiii-
Cartoon for @dailynation When 'pigs' fly #parliarment #nashville #mps #mcas #wagebill #NationalAssembly
#MCAs #BeatriceElachiImpeached #BeatriceElachi #CityHall This will definitely end badly. Cartoon published in the Star Newspaper
#MCAs #MCASBehavingBadly fisticuffs, blackmailing governors, demanding flight delays...we get the leaders we deserve. Cartoon for @TheStarKenya
MCAs,governors,senators and impeachment! @StandardKenya @KTNKenya
#CorruptionKE #GreedAndDesire
MCAs,governors,senators and impeachment @StandardKenya @KTNKenya #CorruptionKE
@TheStarKenya Jubilee finds it expedient to bribe #MCAs wagebill not withstanding #KOT