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STILL TIME to register for our #RedPlanetLive podcast TODAY at 5pm PT / 8pm ET! Host Ashton Zeth will be discussing Mars analog life with members of #MDRS Crew 269! Visit https://t.co/5vnuAK1BBJ for registration info. #analogastronauts #marsanalog #livingonmars @AerospaceCorp
JOIN US on March 21st (5pm PT) for our next Red Planet Live episode when host Ashton Zeth will interview members of Crew 269 (@AerospaceCorp) about their recent 2-week analog mission on our #MDRS campus in Utah. For more details, visit: https://t.co/i3KPuPfphu. #marsanalog #stem
*Call for Crews* Apply today for the #MDRS 2023-24 field season in Utah (Oct. '23 - June '24). Serve as a crew member at the world's largest & longest-running Mars analog station. Visit https://t.co/pI8eZJ870C for details. #stem #marsanalog #science #themarssociety #education
We're pleased to announce that #MDRS has become a member of the @OBFSFieldBio, a global umbrella group of #fieldstations involved in environmental #research, #education & public understanding. For info about MDRS, visit https://t.co/E1Al3X0p4W. #stem #science #themarssociety
mdrs madarisa yume /
Sebuah persembahan buat Mama besok aku mau pull Mama pulang ya buat Arisa ya ya ya?
© https://t.co/kgdU5Tm0ek
Absen nthela mdrs pdrnt kak
Ga bosen kan aku kasih gambar ini" doang? Soalnya ak paling proud ama ini doang (dan tbh yg kelar—ga pun kelar—cm ini AOWKAOWKO) https://t.co/C5sEXFITvq
enst yume / madarisa mdrs
HAI aku mau nunjukin anak gemes aku si Arisa ama ayangnya yang astaghfirullah but subhanallah 🤲 (kelarnya kemaren bru berani post sekrng heheh)
Arisa bukan produsyer, cuma pacar yang jauh di mata dekat di hati ☝️😔 TAPI MEREKA SNGAT BAHAGIA 💚
MDR for everyone!!!
We have MDRs of all kinds, short MDR, long MDR, boxy MDR, MDR with underbarrel Drone Jammers.
I don't care, it's my universe, that's how they roll.
Also, I hereby announce, in that universe, 04.08 is officially the official National MDR Day now.🙂👍