I have a few updates! I’m working on a big update for Mechromancers that will change the slingshot mechanic (different than I had originally planned, but maybe makes more sense), here’s a preview to help extrapolate what that means!

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I’ve made progress in things this week for and a future game! What have you been up to this Feel free to RT and share your progress!

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And the magic of Ether gathers here. It pools, feeding the memories and recharging Death's power. It is this magic that the Foolish Mechromancer's attempt to control. Yet, Ether magic answers to no mortal and as such Mechromancers must bend it to their will. It is risky to do.

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Still working hard to order my test booster of 🤖👻 so close, it might be a little messy, but I’m going to get to hold it, and I cannot wait 😱💀

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Had a great playtest last week for 🤖👻🔥 hoping to keep that momentum going! Working on some freelance this week and updating some cards for the next playtest while I set up a playtesting calendar!

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Still working on splash art and a new engine build for 🤖👻🔥 last engine test didn’t go as well as I hoped, so I’ve rebuilt it from the ground up and have another playtest lined up on Saturday! 🤘

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Re-designed two crops for very quickly, now moving forward towards prototyping since we have all the illustration assets needed. Hopefully playtesting mechromancers in Tabletopia soon, and pushing forward with

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Got some ideas down for and worked on a little, finishing up some projects and then trying to sort out what we do next! Got a big bank of ideas to choose from, now we just gotta pick!

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Even mechromancers get sick - good that she has a trusty friend by her side. (For , get better, hun)

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