こういう時はとりあえずめむちょ上げとけば大丈夫( *´艸`)

1 5

This time, the emo Holo Mem I drew is Nerissa! I think she looks really cool and would make a great lead singer for a band! That queen-like aura of hers would definitely get the audience hyped up!

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Finally finished the third emo Holo Mem. I love Shiori's crazy look! I also think she would look really cool banging the drums like crazy.

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Thank you all for coming to my stream to watch me draw the emo version of Fauna! I hope to complete the emo versions of the four Holo Mem, so please look forward to my artwork!

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『教えて! MEMちょ先生』

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デュエル・マスターズ プレイス『【推しの子】』コラボにてアクア、アイ、ルビー、有馬かな、MEMちょ、黒川あかねを担当しました☺️

211 816

デュエル・マスターズ プレイス『【推しの子】』コラボにてルビー、有馬かな、MEMちょ、アクア、アイ、黒川あかねを担当しました☺️主に背景&エフェクトをやりました✨キャラクター部分は縫典さん()が担当しています🙏

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