Ahh... I forgot the first days of Day 6: Share a book that you couldn't put down: WHILE I WAS AWAY, 's memoir of spending five months in 1980s Japan, immersed in Japanese school and dealing with new friends and a difficult grandmother.

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Graphic novels are our jam, but our fave ever is Gabby & Gator by . This is *that* book for us- the one that started our fangirling for (And the updated G&G releases in one week- we ordered multiple copies already!) Yay for Day 13 of 🐊

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It’s Day 4 of A nonfiction author that we love learning from? That’s easy! Katherine Roy not only illustrates beautifully, she does deep research for her books. Best part? During her live presentations her stories & videos cause jaw drops from kids of all ages. 🦈🐘

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Today’s day 1 of Is there any better way to travel than by the winegrower of some majestic magical creature? (It's what I was thinking when I came up with the skyger for The Secret of Zoone.)

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