Only two days left for big 10th Anniversary bash! Don’t let this Blowout end with a whimper! Send the Tenacious Tykes off with a bang by tweeting some M&M using the tag Be sure to include my handle! Don’t hold back! Release your M&M live today! :D

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return Monday! And what better way to “Hang” out with them than with some Anniversary fan art? Join in the fun and submit your M&M fan art all month long! Be sure to include my handle and the tag Party on, CRAZIES! :D

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Remember CRAZIES! Mike & Mindy’s 10th Anniversary is next month! If you wanna join in on their big blowout bash, then just tweet some fan art using my handle and the tag Simple, eh? Let’s help make this their best anniversary yet! :D

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Strap yourselves in and prepare to launch! are turning 10 February 2020 and to celebrate, the is having a month-long party featuring guest strips and even two NEW M&M comics! Wanna be a part of it? Tweet some fan art and tag it Submit today! :D

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