
1 6

Cudado con portarse mal en clase, porque esta profesora es de las que castigan duro.

5 13

【MTG】マジック:ザ・ギャザリング プレイヤーズカードスリーブ『ストリクスヘイヴン:魔法学院』 日本画ミスティカルアーカイブ 4種(80枚入)好評発売中!!


2 4

Mystical Archive introduced these awesome Japanese versions of Faithless Looting and Lightning Bolt.
Which art do you like more? 🔥

3 29

Im late to machine gunning with tags about another kaldra card that cant be a legal commander.


2 23

Some environments for the different colleges in Strixhaven: School of Mages. It looks like I didn't get around to Silverquill. Posted with permission from WotC.

28 248


425 858

Here are a few merfolk concepts for Strixhaven: School of Mages. We were thinking of using their fins more like clothing. Posted with permission from WotC.

225 2061

The Oriq from Strixhaven: School of Mages. The one on the left is my original concept for the Oriq. They wanted to go in a different direction with the helmet, so I made a bunch of variations in the right concept. Posted with permission from WotC.

32 244


101 216

5th and last booster pack illustration I've done for MtG's expansion Strixhaven.

76 656

On Asians Represent, we've spent a lot of time talking about how has relied on Asian stereotypes to tell the story of Killian Lu. As MtG fans, we wanted to be seen beyond stereotypes.

So we decided to design our own "magical college" cards with the help of !

71 315

I love Craterhoof but I'm glad I was printed almost 10 years ago because if it wasn't would have gave it flash 🙄

0 7

サイドストーリーの話ばっかしてたけど、メインストーリーもリリアナが良いもんムーブして双子と協力してたりウィルの片足なくなったりまあまあどえらいことになってる そしていずれこういう事が起こる

624 1047


288 616

Strixhaven Lore: Will gets his leg chopped off; uses a prosthetic limb in its place.


44 436

MTGらくがき サブストーリー5話読んだ。ダイナとキリアンくんの絶妙な関係、良い~

188 487